New lands. New life.

I’ve been trying to write a new post for ages. But procrastination is hitting heavy on me lately, so I’m just going to be simple and blunt. I moved to Sydney, Australia, two months ago and my weeks have been like a roller-coaster since then. Finding and apartment, renting it, lots of paperwork, IKEA shopping (exhausting, not such a fun plan as I thought it would be), building furniture and more. New University (University of Sydney), new classes, new friends, people from every culture as there are on the planet, and the best part: the ocean.
Living by the ocean was my dream since I have a memory.
Surfing and breathing ocean makes this experience worth from minute one.
I feel blessed for this opportunity, the ocean has so much to teach us.
Come and explore this new culture with me!

Bondi Beach- Australia


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Influencers intelectuales?

Mucho se habla en estos dias de los influencers. Iconos de tendencia, modelos a seguir, ‘trendsetters’, o la definición que a uno se le venga a la mente. Pero que son los influencers y como influyen en nuestras vidas? Muchos estarán... Continue →